Kart Categories

  Εlectrically Petrol-Driven 4 -stroke 2 – stroke Information
Electrical       For children from 3 to 6 years old // Daily only with appointments.
200cc     For children from 6 to 13 years old.
2 – Seater     For children from 3 to 6 years old with an adult // Adult in the driver’s seat.
270cc PwD     Opportunity for Everyone. Pedals in the steering wheel.
270cc     From 13 years old and over.
390cc     From 13 years old and over.
420cc     Based on time. There is a detailed table depending on the driver’s weight.
ROTAX 125cc       Based on time. There is a detailed table depending on the driver’s weight. Only daily by appointment.

* Driving time for all kart categories except ROTAX 125cc is 7 minutes.